Sesso Handmade Italian CologneSesso Handmade Italian Cologne

Sesso Handmade Italian Cologne

Sesso Handmade Italian Cologne and Other Great Fragrances

About Sesso

This fragrance is a creation by Peter F McPherson from his own personal lab, this is the finest Italian Hand Made Cologne on the market and it is designed to attract all walks of life, I know you will enjoy the scent. You can purchase this cologne and other prototypes for only 59.99 and the product will be shipped out to you in a secure package.
Sesso Sesso
This is Sesso


This macho scent is a great addition to my beauty and fashion line, I wear it to attract women and to smell nice for dinners out. I know you will enjoy it to.
Johan Johansson
Johan Johansson
This macho scent is a great addition to my beauty and fashion line, I wear it to attract women and to smell nice for dinners out. I know you will enjoy it to.
I bought this for my husband and I noticed that his swagger and confidence level went way up. This is a great addition to my line.
Alice Abigaile
Alice Abigaile
I bought this for my husband and I noticed that his swagger and confidence level went way up. This is a great addition to my line.

Delivery Info

Here is some helpful information if you are interested in purchasing the product.
You can purchase the fragrance by calling or e-mailing the contact info and I will personally ship some out to you in a secure package. The fragrances that I design can be purchased for 59.99 and the product is 50ml in size. Payments can be made through the website and I promise that you will be satisfied. If you are interested do not be afraid to reach out to me sometime in the morning so I can get some shipped, I do stay busy so please be patient.
How to get Sesso

How to get Sesso

This is hand made luxury cologne so if you are interested then you can call or e-mail my info so I can ship some out to you. I hope you enjoy it.
Our address
5411 SW 9th Street, Des Moines IA, 50315
Get directions